Il terzo importante update di Windows 11, ovvero Moment 3, verrà rilasciato nelle prossime settimane. Dopo Moment 1, uscito ad ottobre 2022, e Moment 2, diffuso a febbraio 2023, Microsoft, quindi, è pronta a far debuttare un altro update contenente diverse novità interessanti.
Tra le modifiche più importanti, una riguarda la scheda dei widget, che si presenterà con un nuovo layout che consentirà la separazione degli stessi dal feed MSN. I widget, dunque, appariranno a sinistra nella propria colonna e saranno disposti verticalmente. Contestualmente, Microsoft aggiornerà anche l'interfaccia per appuntare i widget: questo semplificherà l'inserimento dei widget installati. A questo proposito, Facebook introdurrà un nuovo widget che mostrerà gli aggiornamenti recenti degli amici e le notifiche.
Un altro aggiornamento interesserà il codice 2FA nelle notifiche, il quale presenterà un pulsante di copia all'interno delle stesse quando Windows rileverà la ricezione di un codice 2FA. Questa novità funzionerà al meglio quando si sincronizzano le notifiche utilizzando l'app Phone Link.
Per quanto riguarda la barra delle applicazioni, Microsoft sta lavorando su alcune piccole modifiche, come ad esempio le icone meteo, che si animeranno quando l'utente interagirà con esse. Inoltre, verrà aggiunto un indicatore di stato VPN all'icona Wi-Fi sulla barra delle applicazioni quando verrà attivata una VPN. Sempre in questo ambito, l'icona della chat di Bing nella casella di ricerca condurrà l'utente direttamente ad Edge.
Con l'update Moment 3, Microsoft ha lavorato anche su nuove impostazioni. Ad esempio, ci saranno nuove opzioni dedicate alla configurazione di una tastiera touch e all'USB4. In particolare, questa nuova pagina consentirà agli utenti di visualizzare le informazioni su hub e dispositivi compatibili con USB4. Tra l'altro, Microsoft sta anche aggiungendo la possibilità di mostrare i secondi dell'orologio nella Barra delle applicazioni, una funzionalità che faceva parte di Windows 10 e delle versioni precedenti. Altro aggiornamento riguarderà le impostazioni sulla privacy. Inoltre, gli utenti potranno contare su una ricerca velocizzata all'interno dell'app Impostazioni e, contestualmente, avranno la possibilità di scaricare gli aggiornamenti da Windows Update non appena sono disponibili.
Infine, Microsoft ha aggiornato anche diverse app. Ad esempio, il Task Manager offrirà la possibilità di creare un dump del kernel live direttamente nell'interfaccia utente. L'app Foto, invece, vedrà nuove opzioni dedicate ai temi, transizioni e musica. Sul piano dell'accessibilità, ora c'è il supporto a più regioni e lingue: ad esempio, le didascalie dal vivo supportano il cinese (semplificato e tradizionale), il francese, il tedesco, l'italiano, il giapponese, il portoghese (Brasile), lo spagnolo e altri dialetti inglesi.
Changelog completo Windows 11 Moment 3
- New! This update adds live captions for the following languages:
- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
- French (France, Canada)
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal)
- Spanish
- Danish
- English (Ireland, other English dialects)
- Korean
- New! This update redesigns the in-app voice access command help page. Every command now has a description and examples of its variations. The search bar allows you to quickly find commands. The new categories provide further guidance. You can access the command help page on the voice access bar from Help > View all commands or use the voice access command "what can I say?" Note that the help page might not include all commands. Also, the supplementary information might be inaccurate.
- New! This update adds voice access command support for the following English dialects:
- English (United Kingdom)
- English (India)
- English (New Zealand)
- English (Canada)
- English (Australia)
- New! This update adds new text selection and editing voice access commands.
- New! This update adds a VPN status icon, a small shield, to the system tray. It displays when you are connected to a recognized VPN profile(opens in new tab). The VPN icon will be overlayed in your system's accent color over the active network connection.
- New! You can now choose to display seconds in the clock on the system tray. To turn this on, go to the Taskbar behaviors section in Settings > Personalization > Taskbar. You can also right-click taskbar to quickly get to taskbar settings.
- New! This update provides a copy button for you to quickly copy two-factor authentication (2FA) codes. These are in notification toasts you get from apps installed on your PC or from phones linked to your PC. Note that this feature only works for English.
- New! This update adds access key shortcuts to File Explorer's context menu. An access key is a one keystroke shortcut. You can use it to quickly run a command in a context menu using your keyboard. Each access key corresponds to a letter in the display name of the menu item. To try this out, you can click on a file in File Explorer and press the menu key on your keyboard.
- New! This update adds multi-app kiosk mode, which is a lockdown feature. If you are an administrator, you can specify the apps that can run on a device. Other apps will not run. You can also block certain functionalities. You can configure distinct types of access and apps to run for different users on one device. Multi-app kiosk mode is ideal for scenarios in which multiple people use the same device. Some examples are frontline workers, retail, education, and test taking. Some lockdown customizations include:
- Limit access to Settings, except certain pages, such as Wi-Fi and screen brightness
- Show only the apps that are allowed on the Start menu
- Block certain toasts and pop-up windows
- New! This update introduces live kernel memory dump (LKD) collection from Task Manager. Using LKD, you can gather data to troubleshoot an issue while the OS continues to work. This reduces downtime when you must investigate an unresponsive program or high-impact failures. To learn more, see Task Manager live memory dump(opens in new tab).
- New! This update replaces the settings for Show the touch keyboard when there's no keyboard attached. These are located at Settings > Time & language > Typing > Touch keyboard. A new dropdown menu gives you three options to control whether tapping an edit control should open the touch keyboard. The options are:
- Never. This suppresses the touch keyboard even when no hardware keyboard is attached.
- When no keyboard attached. This shows the touch keyboard only when you use the device as a tablet without the hardware keyboard.
- Always. This shows the touch keyboard even when the hardware keyboard is attached.
- New! This update replaces the settings for Show the touch keyboard when there's no keyboard attached. These are located at Settings > Time & language > Typing > Touch keyboard. A new dropdown menu gives you three options to control whether tapping an edit control should open the touch keyboard. The options are:
- Never. This suppresses the touch keyboard even when no hardware keyboard is attached.
- When no keyboard attached. This shows the touch keyboard only when you use the device as a tablet without the hardware keyboard.
- Always. This shows the touch keyboard even when the hardware keyboard is attached.
- New! This update adds a presence sensor privacy setting in Settings > Privacy & security > Presence sensing. If you have a device that has compatible presence sensors, you can now choose the apps that can access those sensors. You can also choose the apps that do not have access. Microsoft does not collect images or metadata. The device hardware processes your information locally to maximize privacy.
- New! This update improves the performance of search within Settings.
- New! This update changes the default print screen (prt scr) key behavior. Pressing the print screen key opens the Snipping Tool by default. You can turn off this setting from Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard. If you have previously changed this setting, Windows will preserve your preference.
- New! This update introduces a limit of 20 most recent tabs in Settings > Multitasking. This affects the number of tabs that appear when you use ALT + TAB and Snap Assist.
- New! This update improves the cloud suggestion and the integrated search suggestion. This helps you to easily type popular words in Simplified Chinese using the Input Method Editor (IME). The cloud suggestion adds the most relevant word from Microsoft Bing to the IME candidate window. The integrated search suggestion gives you additional suggestions that are like what you see on a Bing search page. You can insert a suggestion as text or search for it directly in Bing. To turn on these features, select a chevron button in the upper right of the IME candidate window. Then select the Turn on.
- New! This update adds a presence sensor privacy setting in Settings > Privacy & security > Presence sensing. If you have a device that has compatible presence sensors, you can now choose the apps that can access those sensors. You can also choose the apps that do not have access. Microsoft does not collect images or metadata. The device hardware processes your information locally to maximize privacy.
- New! This update improves the performance of search within Settings.
- New! This update changes the default print screen (prt scr) key behavior. Pressing the print screen key opens the Snipping Tool by default. You can turn off this setting from Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard. If you have previously changed this setting, Windows will preserve your preference.
- New! This update introduces a limit of 20 most recent tabs in Settings > Multitasking. This affects the number of tabs that appear when you use ALT + TAB and Snap Assist.
- New! This update improves the cloud suggestion and the integrated search suggestion. This helps you to easily type popular words in Simplified Chinese using the Input Method Editor (IME). The cloud suggestion adds the most relevant word from Microsoft Bing to the IME candidate window. The integrated search suggestion gives you additional suggestions that are like what you see on a Bing search page. You can insert a suggestion as text or search for it directly in Bing. To turn on these features, select a chevron button in the upper right of the IME candidate window. Then select the Turn on.
- We are beginning to roll out a new widget picker experience to the Beta and Release Preview Channels with an image that gives a visual preview of the widget before pinning, a deep linking ability that allows users to jump directly to the picker from the provider app/service as well as a link to the widgets Store collection page where users can discover more apps with widgets.