Android 14 Beta 4: tutte le novità in arrivo sui Pixel

1 year ago 164

Google ha appena compiuto un altro passo verso Android 14. Nelle ultime ore infatti è stata rilasciata la nuova beta di Android 14 per i suoi dispositivi Android. Ci sono tanti fix ma anche diverse novità.

L'aggiornamento appena rilasciato da Google consiste quindi nella Beta 4 di Android 14. Andiamo a vedere subito le novità introdotte:

  • Nuova icona per la modalità silenziosa nella barra di stato.
  • Nuova icona per Google Lens all'interno della barra di ricerca del Pixel Launcher.
  • Accesso diretto allo smartphone una volta che si inserisce il PIN a 6 cifre. Non sarà più necessario toccare il pulsante di invio.
  • Nuova voce che indica l'anno di produzione dello smartphone all'interno delle Impostazioni di sistema.

Qui sotto trovate qualche esempio pratico che mostra le novità delle quali parliamo.

Una ulteriore curiosa novità consiste nel nuovo easter egg di Android 14. Qui sotto potete vederlo all'opera.

Oltre alle novità appena descritte, Google ha introdotto un grosso numero di fix.

Si tratta della risoluzione di problemi più o meno rilevanti presenti fino alla Beta 3 di Android 14. Tra quelli più importanti troviamo la risoluzione di problemi di visualizzazione dei Quick Tiles, alcuni problemi di visualizzazione dei contenuti riconosciuti da Now Playing, i problemi che impedivano la corretta ricarica dello smartphone e gli arresti anomali di Android System Intelligence.

Trovate la lista completa dei problemi risolti alla fine di questo articolo. Certamente ci rendiamo conto che questa Beta 4 è una prova generale della stabile di Android 14.

La nuova beta di Android 14 è attualmente in fase di distribuzione via OTA per tutti i Pixel supportati, ovvero per Pixel 4a 5G, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a, Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a. Per la prima volta la beta arriva anche per Pixel Fold e Pixel Tablet. In questa guida abbiamo descritto come aderire al programma beta di Android.

Qui sotto trovate i link per scaricare i file OTA e le factory image di Android 14 Beta 4.

In queste guide trovate le procedure per aggiornare i Pixel con file OTA e con factory image.

Lista completa dei fix distribuiti con Android 14 Beta 4

  • Fixed an issue that caused the CredentialManager registry to fail when using more than one set of credentials.
  • Fixed issues where the HealthConnect API returned null pointer exceptions in some cases to calling apps.
  • Fixed issues that could cause boot loops and "Application not responding" messages on some devices.
  • Fixed an issue where some elements on the system UI didn't retheme correctly when switching between day and night modes.
  • Fixed a system issue that caused the Picture-in-Picture (PiP) window to be unresponsive when using an app (such as Google Maps) in PiP mode and then locking the screen and reopening the app by tapping the notification on the lock screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the lockscreen wallpaper was sometimes reset to a blank, black screen when setting a new wallpaper for the home screen.
  • Fixed issues that caused poor UI animations in the launcher.
  • Fixed an issue where an intent picker dialog was incorrectly shown during work profile setup, which interfered with a user completing setup successfully.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the rounded borders on notifications to display incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a device could sometimes become unresponsive if eSIM was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the lock screen sometimes got stuck with a blank, black screen.
  • Fixed an issue with ConnectivityService that could cause a device to crash and restart in rare cases.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the system volume slider to be stuck on the screen.
  • Fixed issues where the titles of some Settings pages were not announced correctly and some areas within the system Settings app couldn't be accessed when TalkBack was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause fingerprint enrollment to fail if the device was rotated during enrollment.
  • Fixed an issue where connected Bluetooth devices were not ranked correctly in the system audio output switcher.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification shade didn't close after tapping a notification to launch an intent. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the analog clock to fail to display when viewing wallpaper preview.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused only a right-side Bluetooth earbud to be paired.
  • Fixed issues that prevented app launch animations from playing correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where notifications from a prioritized conversation were erroneously dismissed when the group of non-prioritized notifications was dismissed.
  • Fixed an issue where the sharesheet sometimes crashed after pressing the copy button.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI didn't return to the sharesheet workflow if a user edited an image from the sharesheet.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Face Unlock to fail.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a USB headset to consume additional power when connected to a device that was making a call using Voice over LTE (VoLTE).
  • Fixed a null pointer exception that sometimes caused the launcher to crash after launching an app.
  • Fixed an issue where, when using a device with a work profile, the Google Play Store app in the work profile would hang or crash when launched.
  • Fixed various issues that caused the system UI to crash in some cases.
  • Fixed other various issues that were impacting system stability.
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